post-spring break update

Date of Post: 3/24/2023

Wow, it's been two weeks since I last blogged. Time really flies, doesn't it? But at the same time, everyday really just feels so slow, unbearably slow. As for this week, I just got done with an economics exam, but I also have to do a short-writing assignment for that class next week AND study for a math exam. All while working on an English paper. All gas, no brakes in college. I feel a lot more uncertain about my future now. I am indecisive about what path I should choose, online college or in-person college? They both have their advantages and disadvantages, which is the problem, because I will probably be so indecisive about it that, when the time comes, I am caught off guard. I guess since around 2 years ago I realized that I need to stop fooling around and need to figure shit out. Of course, I am still figuring shit out and I will be figuring shit out for the next 30, 40, no... 50 years of my life, probably. And maybe even more! But all I want in the next 5-10 years or so is a sense of basic security, that I won't end up in a dead end job or something where I can't get out. That'd be screwed. Also, I quit my job as a telephone interviewer. The job really stressed me out, and I'd rather quit then get fired. And I felt like I was eventually going to be fired, considering the fact that I had the lowest productivity rate out of all the workers there. Funny thing is, I did everything right, it's just that no one wanted or bothered to do the interview. My last day is today, actually (I am writing this at 1 in the morning by the way.) The extra 9 hours per week should free up some time to study, dick around, and work on this website. Despite the monetary loss, I don't really need the money and I value my mental health over $13 an hour. So, it sucks that I didn't last very long, but hey, what else can I do? If it is going to end, I might as well as end it on the best terms I can end it with. This week had a lot of shit going for it, and next week ALSO has a lot of shit going for it. April will also have a lot of shit going for it, but I pray that for at least the first week (maybe two weeks if I am super duper lucky) I can have a week that is relatively chill and not like 7 assignments due for the week. And I REALLY pray that summer won't be as hard as spring. Oh man, english classes are a workload. At least for summer I got the teachers I wanted, so that is good. Welp, I got to sleep now, so this means good bye for the time being.